What does Potatoes SA do?

As an organisation our goal is to:

Serve as the trusted, authoritative voice of South Africa’s potato producers

Establish and maintain the ongoing sustainability of the Potato Industry Forum and collaborative strategy formulation

Maintain a compliant national Potato Industry Development Trust (PIDT) that efficiently governs industry levies

Ensure for transparent financial information and results to be made available to all interested parties independent of the association

Promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices, focusing on preserving resources and improving production and marketing methods

These aims are underpinned by our four business units:



We are working towards a more inclusive sector by spearheading initiatives that aim to foster equal opportunities and ensure sustainable growth for all stakeholders.

industry info

Industry Information

Access comprehensive information and resources and stay updated with the latest market trends, production statistics, regulations, and industry best practices.



Enhance your knowledge and stay at the forefront of industry innovation. Don't miss out on the latest advancements and breakthroughs in potato research.

marketing trolley


Explore our marketing initiatives, designed to foster widespread appreciation for the quality and excellence of South African potatoes domestically and globally.

Our Partners

Partnerships are pivotal to the success of the potato industry, serving as the cornerstone for effective marketing, cutting-edge research, impactful industry events, and transformative programmes.


By collaborating with various stakeholders, we strive to ensure the successful implementation of inclusive practices and sustainable approaches that not only elevate individual producers and agri-preneurs, but also stimulate collective industry growth.

University of Pretoria
Stellenbosch University
North-West University
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)

Industry Information

Key collaborations help promote the continuous flow of valuable insights and market intelligence within the potato industry, ensuring the seamless exchange of relevant and up-to-date data. This synergy enables a holistic understanding of all aspects of the potato supply chain.

University of Pretoria
Stellenbosch University
North-West University
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)


Research cannot thrive in isolation - the power of partnerships lies in the ability to bring together individuals with diverse expertise and skill sets. Here, we can collectively tackle complex challenges, leverage diverse perspectives, and drive meaningful sector progress.

University of Pretoria
Stellenbosch University
North-West University
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)


Partnerships enable us to combine resources, expertise, and insights, leading to enhanced marketing strategies that promote the versatility and nutritional value of potatoes, enhancing every touchpoint of value chain, from producer to consumer.

University of Pretoria
Stellenbosch University
North-West University
Agricultural Research Council (ARC)



By joining forces with stakeholders, we can collectively organise impactful industry events that foster knowledge exchange, networking opportunities, and the dissemination of best practices, thereby fostering growth and collaboration within the sector.

Join us as a sponsor for our upcoming events and gain valuable exposure, and a chance to showcase your commitment to the thriving potato industry. Partner with us to elevate your brand's visibility and contribute to the advancement of this vital sector.

Our Global Peers

Potatoes SA, alongside its global counterparts, plays a significant role in the complex dynamics of the industry. Each entity brings a distinct perspective and a set of valuable skills that collectively contribute to the global landscape. Through collaborative efforts, these entities work towards the advancement of sustainable agricultural practices and innovative research, shaping a resilient and dynamic global potato industry that meets both present demands and future challenges.